dissabte, 1 de maig del 2010

The age limit for compulsory education should be changed

I think that for the last two months, our government has been creating a smoke screen, as a result of our “complicated” economical situation (for some people more than for others). It is a very helpful way for distracting the thoughts of our citizens.
Going back to our question: Should the age limit for compulsory education be changed? I don’t think so. Instead of looking for the solution to improve our results in education, our politics have found it, the great idea, extend it up to 18 years.
It is a little bit complicated to explain but, I believe that everybody should learn throughout their entire lives. It makes us better persons, more civilized (not always, but it should be), more confident…But, this has to be a voluntary choice. That is, as future teachers, our task is to show children how beautiful knowledge can be. There is always something interesting for everyone.
We do accept that not all children are the same, they need to learn at their own speed and we have to adapt ourselves to the differences between them. So, how can we imagine that all children/young people will want to study the same thing? I mean, we have to offer different paths. There are children who do not like reading, or sitting on a chair for eight hours. Why should these children be at school till the age of 18? Isn’t it better for them to be somewhere where they can feel comfortable and where they can express theirselves?
This idea of changing the age limit for compulsory education is given to us now. There are a lot of people without a job, at their homes, and it is as if we had to find somewhere to put young people. I am quite sure that if we manage to teach, to guide them in an appropriate way we will not need to make them study up to a fixed age.
Why do we all have to study at University? Is it that our society does not need any more manual workers? If we all are going to be “highly” qualified workers, who is going to keep the streets clean? We need all kinds on workers.
My opinion is based on the idea that the education is going to be the same for everyone, that our politicians are only going to change the age limit. Without any more details*, I cannot construct a better idea.

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